Home at Last
I am home for a while, DH started his new job, so far, he likes it. I am enjoying being at home-even if I am personally broke all the time. I am cleaning, and organizing. I can do everything but lifting. I still have to be carefull about that. I lifted something that was just too heavy, thats the big reason why I am at home. Knit Owl I will get that box to you, I am debating on making something to go in it myself. It depends on how much time I have, and money.
I am crocheting of course along with the cleaning, and making some fractals. I will try to upload a couple of them for you. I have also read two or three books, and am preparing to read Light on Yoga again. I decided to start doing yoga again,(now that it seems to be turning passe' I do hate fads). I had been doing the yoga for years and then it became the "in" thing, which always goes against my grain. So I quit, rather than be part of a crowd. It will be hard to start over-I have lost a lot of my flexibility. That Cardio free thing sounds good too.
The next thing I want to start doing again is sewing, It is instant gratification for me. Tons of new patterns in my stash as well as yards of fabric, that need to become somthing. Three new top patterns that I want to try. And three or four new pant patterns. Applique is something I would like to learn. I saw some appliqued jeans in an old sewing book, that could be updated for now, very easily. And I have two pair of jeans that could use an update. A bit of fabric and some Embroidery and they won't look the same. I do like some of the retro stuff-not the Hip Hugger looks though. Always hated showing my butt.

And because I said I would here are some fractals. I called the blue and gold one Indian Paisley. And the gold one is State of Mind.
The gold one looks like it has owls in it ;) Don't worry about the box or spending money on it! I do really appreciate it though :) I wonder what you would like?
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