Monday, May 14, 2007

A new job

Yes, I finally have a job. Working for the people I used to work for.-I should never have left that place. I had good benefits there. I am only temping for them now, hopefully it will become permanent. I have a lot to learn as I am in another department, and know almost nothing about it.

One thing is sure-my people skills are definitely rusty. I am so used to talking to myself, that I still do it. And sometimes I say whatever pops into my head. Not a good thing, believe me. I know what was meant by "My brain has turned to oatmeal." I have to remember things like simple addition and subtraction. I am off early today-the only machine to do the job we were doing, broke down.

I bought some insoles-my feet were killing me. They are much better now. I have good shoes but the soles are never thick enough for concrete. Well have to go now and post on my 360 page.
Hope everyone had a good mothers day.


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