Friday, September 08, 2006

Dogs Barking

Dogs barking, no I don't mean my feet. I mean the neighbors dogs barking. Why is it that I, can't walk in my own yard in peace and quiet? I try to walk when I am sure my neighbors are up so I don't wake up their dogs, but it just doesn't work. Of course if they didn't let their dogs crap in other people yards it wouldn't happen. Yes, one of the neighbors dogs is always in my yard doing his bussiness, and the other neighbors dog is in the other person's yard crapping. Why can't they do it in their own yards? I just don't think people have respect for even their own animals. I try to keep my cats in my own yard-that's why they are all spayed. The two outside are older and they don't leave the yard much anymore-the dogs come here and bother them. I have a gate on my front porch to keep the dogs off. I just don't believe in raising tons of unwanted kittens.

On the crafting front, I am loosing the war. I have already made four shawls this week from my large stash of Lion Homespun. I bought it before I saw how it would be when washed. Now I am trying to use it up, Out of 80+ skeins, I have twelve left. It went from a large storage box to a small storage box and that is now almost empty. The large empty box is already refilled with the perle cotton and size ten matte cotton I bought years ago for weaving. It's still in good shape and I am going to use it up too for crochet and knitting and some weaving. The small box is going to hold whatever current projects I am working on when it is completely empty. But what do I do with all those shawls? There will be about eight when finished. I don't need them. When I get a chance I will post pictures of all of them. I have several other finished items to post pics of too.

The Cats in the house are doing well, they chase each other and play all day. The little one still thinks that she needs to be on or around me all the time though and the older one gets really jealous of her. They roll around and playfight all the time. The little one still hasn't put on much weight but she is still growing. Well thats all, I know I said I'd post pics, but I will try to do that next time. I just haven't had time to take any.


Blogger RheLynn said...

I think Squint and your little DC are on the same track -- no baby fat but lots of muscle and long legs growing!

I'd like to see some of your weaving too! Mr.J has promised to make me a triangular shawl loom but for some reason we just didn't have the time this spring to do it.

9:35 PM  

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