I got a life
I have sometimes wondered how I managed to post the same thing twice-now I know. I hit enter twice instead of Tab. Learn something new everyday. Just call me spastic hands. Sometimes I don't feel like I really have a life. I read a lot of blogs and am on several groups-but it seems like I don't have a lot of time to do what I want. I think part of it goes down to still being on dialup. Instead of a few seconds to make a post it takes many minutes. Posting a picture is like having a tooth pulled.
Still I am crocheting on the same two things I was working on before. When using thread, finished objects take longer. The shawl is getting the most attention for now. I will still be able to use it even in the winter-at least around the house. I wouldn't wear it outside for anything-too thin, since its being crocheted from some very fine rayon or bamboo-not sure which. I decided on a rectangle shape, as long as
the yarn will make it. I was going to take pictures of it on my dressmaker dummie but...It's been sitting in the storage room and the little black cat has been at it. I will have to recover it completely. It's been shredded. I may try to decopage it and make it still usable. I never pin into it anyway. The padding was too thin, anyway I took pics while the items were laying on the floor and we'll see how well they turned out. First up is the shawl-the credit for this Idea goes to popolina. I saw one on her site but hers is silk. This is supposed to be rayon, or mulberry silk or some such, whatever it is, the color is a vivid Turquoise. I worked on it in the laundromat on Sunday. I am pleased with the way the fabric feels and the stitch works well too. This stitch pattern in number 150 in one the Harm
ony stitch guides. I tried to take a closeup, it didn't turn out as well, but here goes anyway.
Still I am crocheting on the same two things I was working on before. When using thread, finished objects take longer. The shawl is getting the most attention for now. I will still be able to use it even in the winter-at least around the house. I wouldn't wear it outside for anything-too thin, since its being crocheted from some very fine rayon or bamboo-not sure which. I decided on a rectangle shape, as long as

It gives a good idea what the stitch should be. I am also working on a Thread crochet top-it is taking a long time too-its a Plus size. I am using a lot of different stitches in it, a V-stitch yoke ( I like to work in the round-no seams) with a shell stitch next and a narrow band of stitches coming next to separate the shell stitches from the clover fan stitch from the first and original harmoney gu
ide to crochet stitches. I love the first one by Sylvia Cosh best of all. Heres the picture of it. For some reason no matter where I try to upload the pictures too-I wind up having to move them around after they get there and then hoping they stay where I put them. There is a lot left to do on this top, another 12 or so inches of lace and I haven't decided on an edging yet plus the sleeves. Its a bit different when reading stitches for flat crochet and doing them in the round. I would attempt to post the clover fan stitch picture but it was a bit blurry due to shaky hands. I love this colorway on the skein but am not too crazy about it in the top. I hope I like it better when Its finished. I will have to make something to wear under it. I just don't like showing a lot of skin. Anyway now you know what occupies so much of my time. Two very time consuming projects. I am pround of myself though-I finished a short term project, in only a week. A very large crocheted bag to carry my crochet in. It holds these two current projects plus the thread for them and a pair of socks to knit on and several magazines, never mind what it weighs. It is usually on the floor anyway. I'll post pics of it next time.

Some spinning has been going on too. I am using one of my boughten spindles, but I am dissapointed in it, It doesn't work any better than the ones I made. Most ways not as good. The ones I made were $8 for 8 spindles and some of my time, they work very well. The one I bought was $43 and just doesn't do what I needed at all. I liked the ones I made so well I got more of the wheels and will make 8 more eventually. Not knocking all handmade spindles just some. Some of them out there will be ten times better than my homemade ones. I would love to have a Bosworth-but thats a bit out of my range right now. Maybe someday.
Has anyone else been watching "The Amazing Mrs. Prichard" on PBS? I tried not to watch it and got hooked anyway. Its very good, not dull at all, it started kind of slow but became much more interesting in last nights episode. Much more intrigue anyway. At least its not Reallity TV-I hate that stuff. How many stupid people does it take to win a million dollars? I read a book by Harry Harrison years ago, one of the Stainless steel Rat series. In it he talks about an invasion coming from outspace-in the book its real, and the public doesn't care because they have all become addicted to reality television. Only on the reality tv he talks about, people are actually murdered or fight to the death. The public he talks about thrive on death and blood, sounds like now. Anyway thats all that's going on right now. Next time I'll post some of the fractals I've made too.